LawDesk Computers Email Easy Encryption of Emails

Easy Encryption of Emails

Aantal treffers 'GIS' op internet. Image: T.Nijeholt at nl.wikibooks, courtesy Creative Commons License

Office 365 now offers endpoint to endpoint encryption for better email security.  Every email that travels from your device to Office365 is already encrypted but travelling from their servers to the designated email server has used plain text.  (Since the early days of email, plain text was the spec. )  Encryption is now required for some companies but getting it set in place has been difficult.  Office365’s implementation is not a breeze but, once done, automatically encrypts your data and will decrypt it at the endpoint automatically IF the user has a Microsoft account (i.e. Office365, Hotmail, Live,  If mail has to go to another server, such as Gmail, the user receives a notice that the file is encrypted and you must sign in with a Microsoft account to read it.

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